Monday, July 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Jordan Lee Cohen.

Dear Jordan,
I'm a terrible friend and haven't gotten you anything yet for your birthday, not even a card. So to appease this transgression, I'm devoting an entire blog post to you.

The first time I saw your beautiful face was on September 2nd, 2014 in Jeff Grigg's Improvisational Techniques 1 class. You were wearing a dress I believe and had a flame in your eyes for the art of improv. I remember thinking while we were warming up, "Fuck, this girl is good."

Fast forward to you, on September 7th, 2014, messaging me on Facebook asking to go to the free improv set at Second City. You always thought it was weird that you did that but I was glad. I have always known that you were the kind of person I wanted to be around.

Jordan Lee Cohen, I often tell you this, but you inspire me on a daily basis. From the way you work, to the way you love other people, I'm always in awe of you. There have been so many times that I've needed you and you've always been there for me. Half of the time it was you saying, "Stop that, dummy." Other times it was a quiet and loving, "You are going to be okay."

My favorite thing about our relationship is that I believe with my whole heart that we were meant to meet and help each other through this strange transition in our lives. If I didn't have you, I might have given up a long time ago. Your presence in my life is felt every day even if we don't always talk.

One of my favorite things about you is your ability to make people feel at ease. Almost everyone you meet (Except Charles lol) feels better about themselves after having met you. You have a wonderful ability to make people feel important and cared for. This is another thing that makes you a great improviser. One of the best I've ever seen. I often imagine you on the ETC stage and it's not a far fetched fantasy, it's actually rather vivid. It will happen. Just keep going girl.

HOLY SHIT. I almost forgot to talk about the work you produce. Girl. Keep making that shit. The world needs to hear from you. Whether that's sketch, improv, or stand up, keep making stuff. You are very good at this little thing we call "comedy". People are attracted to you when you speak. I know I am. That's why I have too many videos of your beautiful red hair on my phone. I don't want to fuel your ego, but you're very talented.

On another note, I'm always proud of you. Don't ever forget that. You've come so far within the last 10 months in Chicago and you've only just begun. I'm your Chicago stage mom and will support you in all of your endeavors.

I don't know what else to say other than I'm so blessed to have you in my life and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Wait, I'm sorry, I can't wait to see what you yank out of the future because you are a do-er, not a dreamer. 

I love you so much Jersey. I'm here as long as you want me. Thanks for letting me be a part of your life.



Thanks for listening.  Come back for more.

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