Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Gay Agenda

A week ago today, I was asked to partake in a silent protest of a anti-gay speaker. I said of course I would be there. I was under the impression that students from the theater department, alone, would be doing this protest. When I arrived at the venue, the amount of people was overwhelming. "Man, I hope everyone here is to boo this man." I sat down with my fellow classmates and waited. I waited and listened. There was a buzz about the room. I couldn't feel whether it was positive or negative but something was brewing. There was a heaviness.
We were then informed that our speaker was late. Then they made a terrible mistake on their part. They let the audience speak.
That energy that had been brewing was now able to be channeled into comments about our reason for being here.
Many people expressed that they were gay and had "no agenda" as described in the propaganda for this speech.
Many others expressed how they do not believe it is okay to judge others based on their sexual orientation.
I personally expressed that I was there for my step-sister who had been beaten by two people on Miami Universities campus for being gay. There were no legal actions against her aggressors because it isn't considered a hate crime in Ohio.
 After the comments from the gay loving audience, a member of the Traditional Values Club (TVC), the club who brought this bigot to our school, began sharing his beliefs. Do you want to know his reasoning? Because he doesn't think that wedding industry professionals that don't believe in gay marriage should be forced to be employed by gay couples. I laughed out loud. I thought, "I'm so sorry your bigot photographers are getting paid to capture one of the happiest moments of the 'gay agenda'."
Once the speaker arrived, it was obvious that the vast majority disagreed with him.
He walked in excited about the large numbers but was unaware of all that just took place.

Before the speaker spoke, the head of the TVC spoke to welcome him. Instead of just thanking us for our comments and introducing him, she started to bring up old shit. Apparently, a while back another group was protesting a TVC event with signs and they were taken away by Sinclair police because you aren't allowed to have signs on campus. This dim witted woman decided to first bring this up out of nowhere and then tell us that it wasn't their fault. Someone else called the cops. I laughed out loud yet again. Why does this woman feel the need to explain herself? Because she knows what she is doing is wrong. 

When the speaker, Porno Pete, I mean, Peter LaBarbara finally came to the podium, the crowd was enraged.
He started with a joke. "Classy Pete." I thought to myself. "We'll totally agree with you if you joke about how backed up the interstate is." 
Not long after he opened up his power point, I saw a woman stand up out of the corner of my eye. She looked around and said, "Let's go." with her eyes. 95% of the crowd stood up and walked towards the exits, some of which were towards LaBarbara. An elderly woman actually got up and grabbed members of the mob we had created and pulled them to stay saying, "Come on! Really?!" It was beautiful.

We walked to Building 8 where there were cookies and condoms waiting. It was our reward for standing up against oppression.

The TVC continues to exist and Peter LaBarbara continues to spray his hate speech. But thanks to the students and faculty, we are one step closer to making these organizations and speakers cease to exist. My hope is that one of these days, Peter LaBarbara will be jobless and the TVC will lose all funding. Thanks to our actions, that day looks just over the horizon.

Thanks for listening. Come back for more.

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