Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How Do You Do It?

Last Thursday, I was skyping my dear friend Cydnie Hampton. For those that don't know her, she is the New York version of me, only better.
We were talking about my current relationship and I told her that my boyfriend and I have been officially together for almost 2 months. She then asked how long we had been "talking".
I sat back for a second and counted the months. From March to November is 7 months. I said this number out loud. She was shocked, as was I. Could it really have been that long? I did take into account that he was gone for 3 months during the summer but we still remained "together." Even with him not physically here, I thought about how I have thought about him every day for the last 7 months. There hasn't been a day without his face popping into my head in over half a year. 4 months together, and 3 months apart. I, honestly, have forgotten that he was gone. Every once and a while, I'll have an out of body experience when I'm laying in his bed with his arms squeezing my tiny frame. I realize that I spent a whole summer longing for these moments and worrying that they wouldn't happen when he got back. I was terrified. Now I have a bag full of toiletries at his place I call my "Sunnyside Survival Kit," and a pair of UK pajama pants for the extra cold nights.
Cydnie then asked a question that I remember asking Jordan Cohen about her much longer term relationship of two and a half years.
"How do you do it? How do you stay with someone that long?"
My answer was along these lines:
"Well he asked me out, we went on a date, I wanted to see him again, so I did. Then I wanted to see him again, so I did. Then I wanted to see him again, so I did. And BAM, 7 months later here we are."
That's the only way I can describe the way I feel. I want to see him. I want to wake up next to him. I want him in my life. For right now, that's how I'm "doing it". I just keep saying yes.
Maybe it will get complicated. Maybe we'll soon find out a huge monster of a reason we will never work. Maybe, maybe, maybe. I'm done living by maybes. Especially in romance and love. I'm done planning and plotting. I'm done trying to make people stay and just enjoying them while they're here. I'm done being haunted by the 'what ifs'.  
We're a we as long as we will be. I can't be anything but grateful.

Thanks for listening. Come back for more.

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