Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thank you for listening. Come back for more.

Hello internets. I have a simple message for you today....

Thank you for reading this blog. I know you don't have to but you still choose to take a couple of minutes out of your day to listen to my take on this short life we have. Every time someone tells me they read this blog, I get so embarrassed. How could anyone really care what's coming out of my 20 year old brain? Seriously, there are lists about things only introverts understand to be reading. I only make lists of things that are very personal to me and people still read them. I started this blog as a sort of message in a bottle. I wanted to record my 20's in a way other than just writing in my notebook. I also have this philosophy that if you're brave enough to confront issues in life, like I do on this blog, you owe it to the people who aren't to confront them head on. I never imagined it would come up at parties and in class and such. It has taught me that I am heard. I'm not shouting into oblivion, I'm reaching the brains of my peers. Whether it helps people or it's just light reading that isn't about ISIS, I don't care. I'm just glad it's interesting to some people.

Thank you so much for reading my sad poems and epiphanies. Thank you for following my "love life" and my grieving process. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. Thank you.

Thank you for listening. Come back for more.

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