Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Snow Day, Shmow Day

In case you didn't know or live in Australia, it's cold outside. It's so cold that I couldn't even get in my car because it was frozen shut. Thanks to this, I have been in my house for the past two days doing almost nothing. I did a little bit of sewing and wrote a page of my new play. Considering I have been here for 48 hours, that is nothing. I have sat on the same spot on the couch until my boyfriend and I watched Indiana Jones in my bedroom. Immediately after, I'm back in my spot. I've watched a lot of news. I found out that Saturday Night Live has a new cast member. I fell in love with Jimmy Fallon. I haven't been writing posts on here because nothing has been happening. Until right now. I want to talk about technology. Not like iPhone models and apps. I want to talk about the fact that I can't get off my computer. If it is not in my lap, something is wrong. I open it the minute I get up and don't close it until I go to bed. As I have expressed before, I love to play the Sims 3 everyday. Nothing makes me more distant from reality than this video game. Every time I make one of the children do homework, I think about the homework I'm not doing. Sometimes I even get snappy with my mom because she interrupts my fake life. Having a child in the Sims is more important than taking the trash out, obviously. Most of the day, I am on Facebook watching my friends get pregnant and engaged. It doesn't satisfy me. Knowing that others are also addicted to their technology only makes me feel better about my online trolling. Then I go to Postsecret.com. This makes me feel less alone. People share their secrets in beautiful postcards. Some secrets are shocking, some funny, and some saddening. Either way, I feel more connected to these people than I ever have to people on Facebook. This website shows that others get depressed and think weird thoughts and have bad stories. My computer is a huge distraction.

When I'm not on the computer, I feel physically better. My eyes don't hurt and I can stay awake for more than 12 hours. I have so much energy. I listen to my mom. Recently, I've realized that she talks a lot about my family history. When I was 16, I rolled my eyes at the thought of this but now I love to hear it. I even ask questions. Crazy, right?
When I'm not on the computer, I go outside. Sunday night, I went to my oldest friend's house for dinner and to say goodbye until summer. That night, I realized that I didn't know as much about this girl than I thought. We had been friend's forever. Okay maybe not forever but I can never remember a day when she wasn't a part of my life. I have never enjoyed our time as much as this one time when we just sat and talked. I found a new love for a person that seemed so familiar to me that I thought I couldn't learn anything else. No amount of "likes" on Facebook can amount to that experience.
When I'm not on the computer, I feel like life has a purpose. When I'm up and doing things, I remember that I can accomplish things. I actually learn new things. When I'm on my spot, I can feel myself wasting away. When I'm in a very uncomfortable desk in 2L12 (that's the theater classroom at Sinclair), I feel like my life is moving forward. When Kim is yelling out emotions as I stand in front of a class of my peers, I feel like I will do something with my life.

As my classes hopefully start tomorrow, I will be thankful I have a reason to yank me out of my sunken in seat on the couch.

Technology is good and has changed the way we live, but just remember that the best moments in life aren't on a glowing screen. Unless Cecily Strong tweets you. Then maybe the best thing that has happened to you is on a screen. But that only happens to a select few.

Thanks for reading. Come back for more.

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